Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Should have taken a left at Albuquerque...

So, things out here in Albuquerque, New Mexico are different than they are in Ormond Beach, Florida (and surrounding areas).  I'm sure this comes to no shock to you, and I'm not shocked either, of course it's different, it's across the entire country!  But, WHAT is different was surprising.  Everytime I'm out and about, driving around, I think about these things and plan on blogging about them, then I forget when the time comes, so I'll try to remember today.

First, of course is the obvious - weather, dryness, altitude, etc.  I've lived in sunny Florida my entire life.  Definately did not expect to ever move to the desert, and if I did, for it to SNOW in the desert in April.  The last day of April!  Maybe if I was in Montana or something, but not New Mexico!  The weirdest thing is the wind.  Wind here is like rain in Florida.  It's like hurricane type wind with no rain.  So, it may look like a beautiful sunny day, but it's too windy to go out and do anything.  The desert sand blows and stings and tumbleweeds (yes, they're real!) attack your car as you're driving down the road.  And, that cools off the weather, so the next day it's cold again! ah! 

Some random differences: the parking spaces are smaller!  Not as many people drive SUV's (I feel a little out of place in my Explorer!), but there are plenty of mini-vans and pick-up trucks so how we all fit in the tiny spaces is beyond me.  And quite annoying.  Also, the drivers are more aggressive.  Not worse than in Florida, I did learn to drive in Palm Coast - the retirement community where very elderly women drove very large Cadilacs the WRONG way down Palm Coast Pkwy.  So the driving is not worse, just more aggressive.  There are lots of dents on bumpers from all the fender benders! 

I don't think I want to get started on the more 'hippie' type of people that populate this beautiful state.  A new friend of mine actually called herself this today.  We already knew that people here were different from us, but I wouldn't want to offend any 'hippies' (ha).  As you know, Drew and I both come from a more southern, butter-filled cooking, meat-eating, gun-carrying, Bible belt kind of people.  People here ask us if we eat meat, and we just laugh.  Ha. 

Oh, one more thing.  And I know this happens other places, too, but I just never thought about it.  I was so very excited about having a pool!  We are living in an apartment for now, and one thing about that that actually made me happy is the POOL we get to hang out at all summer long.  Anything to help me not miss the beach so much.  So, I tried to go take a walk by it the other day and my key would not open the gate.  And I asked a friend who lives in the same complex if she'd like to go one day when it was warm (back in April) and she notified me that the pool is CLOSED until Memorial Day weekend.  What?  Closed?  Who closes a pool?  If it's too cold to swim in it in Florida, than people don't swim in it.  Ugh.  I'm counting down the days! 

Oh, and you aren't here :)  All of the important people at home we used to see every day.  Yes, pretty much every day.

I'm not complaining about Albuquerque.  I'm sure lots of things here are better than they are in Florida, it will just take some getting used to. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Food up High

Food.  A necessity.  Especially to my husband.  And now, my baby girl!  Usually, I can handle making a dinner here and there.  Usually, I can handle making breakfast, lunch & dinner most days of the week.  Granted, the last few months at home I was in my first trimester of pregnancy and living with my mother-in-law which meant I never had to cook anything.  They really took care of me! 

Well, now that we are out on our own again, and far far away from home, I'm back to cooking for my family.  I do have to admit that cooking isn't my favorite pastime.  I'd much rather be playing with Arabella or sewing or snuggled up on the couch with Drew.  But, like I said, food is a necessity, so I'm happy to cook for my family. 

BUT (yes, you knew it was coming!), everything I cook out here (or UP here) in Albuquerque just isn't turning out.  I've never cooked on a gas range/oven before, or in a mile high altitude, so I blame both for my recent kitchen incapability.  Simple chicken breast baked in the oven took twice as long as I would have cooked it back home.  I can barely manage spaghetti on this stove!  And even our microwave hates me and is burning holes in the popcorn bags!  Needless to say, we've eaten plenty of turkey sandwiches. 

I'm on to googling and researching about high altitude cooking and baking.  And cooking with gas.  We've been here for a month now and things are getting a little bit better.  (Spaghetti was great last night, but that's probably the easiest thing I'll ever make!).  I think I'm getting used to my oven and stove, and I'm sure one day I'll figure my kitchen out.

Hopefully soon some of you can visit and I'll surprise you with an amazing meal made by me in my kitchen way up/out here and Albuquerque!  And, if it stinks, we do have Red Robin!